About Password Safe

Password Safe and the Twofish encryption algorithm it uses were originally developed and released to the public by Bruce Schneier and Counterpane Labs.

Password Safe is now an open source project hosted at sourceforge.net. The latest program updates, documentation, and news can be located at http://passwordsafe.sourceforge.net.

Password Safe is freely available and distributable under the restrictions set forth in the standard Open Source Initiative (OSI) "Artistic License." A copy of this license is included with the Password Safe installation package in the file named LICENSE.

Twofish is a fast, free alternative to the AES, DES and IDEA encryption algorithms. Details on the Twofish algorithm, including speed comparisons and an extensive list of products that use Twofish, are available at http://www.schneier.com/twofish.html.

Please read the readme.txt, changelog.txt, and releasenotes.txt files in the installation package for the latest changes, bug fixes, and documentation addenda.

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